Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (INHA)

Multiple Histories and Transnational Narratives Re-orienting European Museums

Man walking on a tightrope holding a balance pole with a painting hanging on either end.

Taus Makhacheva, Tightrope, 2015, 58 min.10 sec. video, colour, sound

Explore the ways in which museums in Europe are reimagining their collections

In recent years, museums across Europe have committed to expanded readings of art and sought to advance this vision in dialogue with renewed artistic and intellectual communities. This approach is critical of the way museum collections first emerged and highlights the national, colonial and racial ideologies that underpinned the birth and development of art history. Many museums of modern and contemporary art have therefore reimagined their programme and reinterpreted their collections by questioning Euro-centric narratives of modernity. Their research initiatives thus seek to contribute to new histories of art. By comparing these perspectives, the seminar will address the emergence of these transnational readings. It will bring together, among others, museum professionals and scholars who have led research projects that reinterpret museum collections and programmes.

Speakers include: Marie-Laure Allain Bonilla (HEAD – Geneva, HES-SO), Kader Attia (artist), Philippe Dagen (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Taus Makhacheva (artist), Matthias Mühling (Lenbachhaus museum, Munich), Hammad Nasar (Paul Mellon Centre, London – Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry), Pierre Singaravélou (King’s College, London – University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Annabelle Ténèze (Les Abbatoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse), Eva-Maria Troelenberg (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf).

Organised by Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational with Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.

Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (INHA)


2 Rue Vivienne

Date & Time

1 July 2022 at 09.00–19.00

In partnership with